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Louth women ordered to raise €3,000 compensation for ‘horrendous’ shopping centre assault



Louth women ordered to raise €3,000 compensation for ‘horrendous’ shopping centre assault

Fartun Ali (27), a married mother of one, and Fails Mohammed Ali (29), married with three children, both of Laurel Lodge, Culhane Street, Dundalk, each pleaded guilty to a charge of assault causing harm at The Marshes Shopping Centre on August 29, 2022.

Evidence was given that they followed the victim into the shopping centre where she was struck on the head and had her hair pulled. It was also alleged that she suffered a bite.

Judge McKiernan remarked that what occurred was “absolutely horrendous and will not be tolerated”.

She added it must have been incredibly distressing for the children who were aged 9 and 10 at the time.

The victim, a native of Somalia, testified that the defendants were coming out of The Marshes, while she and her children were going in.

“They called us a name and started to insult me. They said they were going to beat the hell out of me. They ran after us. I ran into The Marshes.”

The witness continued that they just beat her. Her boy was terrified, and her daughter couldn’t help her. She added she didn’t know the two women and had no contact with them before this.

A medical report was available.

Solicitor Conor MacGuill said his clients, neither of whom had previous convictions, very much regretted what occurred.

There were issues between the parties. There had been no contact since.

Thankfully, there were no lasting injuries. It was very upsetting for the injured party.

Judge McKiernan said it was more than upsetting, it was a very serious assault.

An innocent person had been followed into a shop and viciously attacked by two people in front of her children.

“It was absolutely horrendous and will not be tolerated.”

The court heard that Ms Ali and Ms Mohammed Ali would need time to raise compensation, which prompted the judge to say that nearly two years later they were present with “one arm as long as the other”.

Mr MacGuill said that he had suggested a sum of €1,000 each. Neither of his clients worked outside the home and were reliant on their community.

‘Maybe if they were working this wouldn’t have happened,’ Judge McKiernan replied.

It was a very serious matter, “so much worse in the presence of little children”.

The case was adjourned to May 15 for payment of €1,500 token compensation each.

The court indicated if that was not done the defendants would be sentenced to four months’ imprisonment.

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