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New legislation to increase Jobseekers Benefit to €450 per week before Dail



New legislation to increase Jobseekers Benefit to €450 per week before Dail

Major changes to the social welfare system which will see people who lose their jobs receive up to €450 per week is to be brought before the Dail.

The current rate of Jobseekers Benefit is €220 per week and Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys wants to replace it with a three tiered system. Legislation for the reform is being brought before the Dail this week, RSVP Live reports.

Under the new system, the three tiers of payment are as follows:

  • A top rate of a maximum of €450, or 60 per cent of your prior income, for people who have made at least five years PRSI contributions. The €450 rate will be paid for the first three months;
  • A second rate of a maximum of €375, or 55 per cent of your prior income. This will be paid for the following three months;
  • A third rate of a maximum of €300, or 50 per cent of your prior income for the final three months.

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Minister Humphreys said: “The introduction of Pay-Related Benefit will also bring Ireland in line with other European countries that already have similar systems in place.

“This is about ensuring that people who have worked for long periods, perhaps even all their working lives, won’t suffer that cliff edge drop in their income if they become unemployed.”

It was previously reported that the Government aims to have the scheme introduced by the end of this year.

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