If you want to follow the Operation Transformation Leaders’ meal plan, simply bring this shopping list on your next trip to the supermarket, and get ready to make some tasty dinner dishes.

Week 2

Thursday 11 JanuaryEmily’s Feta Cheese Couscous
Friday 12 January Fish Tacos
Saturday 13 JanuaryBurger & Chips
Sunday 14 JanuaryStefano’s Creamy Chicken & Mushroom Pasta
Monday 15 JanuaryVeggie Spag Bol
Tuesday 16 JanuarySpeedy Turkey & Tomato Penne Pasta
Wednesday 17 January Black Bean Stir Fry with Noodles

Fruit & Vegetables

  • Avocado (1 small – 75g)
  • Baby spinach leaves (330g)
  • Basil (5g)
  • Carrots (2)
  • Celery (1 stick)
  • Chives (15g)
  • Courgette (1 small)
  • Cucumber (¼)
  • Flat-leaf parsley (15g)
  • Garlic (6 cloves)
  • Green beans (250g)
  • Lemon (1)
  • Limes (2)
  • Little Gem lettuce (10g)
  • Mangetout (150g)
  • Mushrooms (300g)
  • Onions (2)
  • Potatoes (250g)
  • Red cabbage (50g piece)
  • Red chilli (1 mild)
  • Red pepper (1 small)
  • Root ginger (10g)
  • Scallions (4)
  • Tomatoes (4)

Fresh & Frozen Produce

  • Bacon medallion (1 lean)
  • Chicken fillets (2)
  • Feta cheese (150g)
  • Light cream cheese (125g)
  • Natural yoghurt (60g)
  • Parmesan (50g freshly grated)
  • Steak burgers (2 x 100g <5% fat from the butchers or make them yourself)
  • Turkey rashers (4)
  • White fish fillets (250g boneless and skinless – 250g)

Dried Goods

  • Black beans (400g tin)
  • Chopped tomatoes (400g tin)
  • Dried chilli flakes (7.25g)
  • Dried Italian seasoning (10g)
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Green lentils (400g tin)
  • Ground coriander (5g)
  • Ground cumin (5g)
  • Honey (20g)
  • Mustard (5g)
  • Passata (Italian sieved tomatoes – 400g)
  • Pickled gherkin (1 small – 15g)
  • Pumpkin seeds (10g)
  • Rapeseed or olive oil (80g)
  • Reduced salt soy sauce (30g)
  • Reduced sodium vegetable stock cube (½)
  • Seeded brown burger buns (2 small)
  • Smoked paprika (5g)
  • Toasted sesame seeds (10g)
  • Tomato ketchup (5g)
  • Tomato puree (15g)
  • Wholemeal couscous (150g)
  • Wholemeal wraps (4 small – 160g)
  • Wholewheat noodles (100g)
  • Wholewheat penne pasta (250g)
  • Wholewheat spaghetti (100g)