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Popular local pub granted permission for outdoor dining – News – Waterford News & Star



Popular local pub granted permission for outdoor dining – News – Waterford News & Star

The Lady Belle Pub, 13 Grattan Square, Dungarvan has been granted permission for a section 254 license for an outdoor dining area following dispute with Waterford Council.

The development was originally refused by the council in December 2022. An appeal was subsequently made by proprietors of the pub, who said:

“Since purchasing the pub 30 years ago we have made various improvements and investments including a major investment to install a modern kitchen (€120,000) and we hope our outdoor seating area can remain in place.” 

“There is ample room for a double buggy and wheelchair users to remain on the path. I have always worked to secure the betterment of the town.” 

The matter was taken to An Bord Pleanala. The board’s inspection report outlines: “The proposed development would directly impede the use of the footpath by pedestrians.

“The proposed use of this area for outdoor dining in the manner proposed is not acceptable. I recommend that the decision of the planning authority to refuse permission be upheld.”

A subsequent board order decided to not accept this inspector’s recommendation to refuse a license, as the board was satisfied that the location of a seating area on Crossbridge Street would be in accordance with Policy BH 12 and DM 19 of the development plan.

Permission was granted with four conditions.

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