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Sligo businessman develops App which could change the face of local shopping



Sligo businessman develops App which could change the face of local shopping

Grange native Ronan Gilroy has developed the App with his companby having spent three years researching the developing the idea.

Ronan says it’s a reverse shop-local App where the would be customer searches for goods he or she is looking for and the shop or business responds to say they have the product in stock. The customer can even send pics of what they are looking for and engage with the business through messages.

Ronan’s company, Glofend Technologies has developed alternative convenience to online-shopping called Losume, a low-tech APP that shares consumers wants with local businesses in their vicinity.

“Rather than consuming with global online warehouses, or having to physically search multiple stores, just share a screenshot or image with Losume. The APP identifies, and distributes users ‘request’ with relevant businesses types, who ‘respond’ in a one thumb swipe.

“No middlemen or payments, customers are in control and there’s no obligation. It filters local demand with supply thus retaining more revenue within the local economy,” he says.

Ronan adds: “Perfection can be the enemy of good, every request might not be met initially, but local businesses will be able to see trends.

“With a little patience, and a community ‘push start’ Losume can become a unique sales channel. Our mission is to empower the 80% of consumers who prefer supporting local businesses and consequently bolstering smaller enterprises’ confidence.”

Ronan says he has crafted the App for everyday people.

“It’s a quick two-minute setup for shoppers and an average eight-minute setup for businesses. There’s no product uploading or maintenance required. A visual enables a business know exactly whether they can supply same or similar, a single swipe enables them to rapidly respond to these sales leads.

“To maintain privacy and security, customers can select any username or nickname while keeping their email addresses private. Businesses also remain anonymous until they decide to engage with a sale.”

The initial launch of Losume will be in the Sligo County.

“Buyers are reminded interacting with this platform is like physically entering a shop where actual staff may be attending to other customers or tasks. Patience and courtesy is key.

“On average, a local economy experiences a wealth increase of three and a half times when consumers purchase from local businesses. Losume is a commitment to revitalising local commerce. By engaging with nearby businesses, users contribute to their community’s sustainability by reducing travel time, costs, and emissions.

“We welcome feedback to help us develop a user-friendly App that promotes a positive product sourcing experience.

“Big online can never offer the same human interactions and local knowledge or service and advise. It’s healthy to discover other alternative products and businesses, especially for younger generations and new community members,” says Ronan.

He stresses that he has experience in App development, retail overheads and dereliction and that enhancing loyalty and convenience is worth a shot.

“With the positive reaction to the LoveSligo card, we hope everyone will share Losume with friends and businesses. While it’s free to use for shoppers, even businesses on a pilot basis, Losume CLG (non-profit) is a small team with considerable running costs.

“I’m asking for as many businesses to jump onboard and support the initiative where possible,” says Ronan.

The App is available on For more information contact or 087 445 36260

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