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Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and other Emergencies: Week 21: 20 to 26 May 2024 (Data as reported by: 17:00; 26 May 2024) – Mauritius



Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and other Emergencies: Week 21: 20 to 26 May 2024 (Data as reported by: 17:00; 26 May 2024) – Mauritius


This Weekly Bulletin focuses on public health emergencies occurring in the WHO African region. This week’s articles cover:

  • Dengue in Mauritius
  • Cholera in Zimbabwe
  • Humanitarian Crisis in the Sahel Region

For each of these events, a brief description, followed by public health measures implemented and an interpretation of the situation, is provided.

A table is provided at the end of the bulletin with information on all new and ongoing public health events currently being monitored in the region, as well as recent events that have been controlled and closed.

Major issues include

  • The dengue outbreak, which was declared on 11 December 2023 in Mauritius, continues, however, with some challenges. Risk Communication and community engagement activities need further strengthening, especially locally. Inconsistent data sharing has impacted surveillance and response efforts. Laboratory capacity gaps exist, including shortages of reagents for polymerase chain reaction, serotyping, and genomic sequencing. Enhancing vector control measures and conducting quality assessments are crucial to effectively managing the outbreak.
  • The decline in cholera cases in Zimbabwe is evidence of collaborative efforts by the Ministry of Health and Child Care, WHO, and partners. Despite current numbers being higher than the previous year, the reduction from the alarming surge between November 2023 and January 2024 is promising. Continued support for communities is vital to strengthening prevention efforts and ensuring sustained public health impact. By prioritising prevention strategies and community engagement, the government can build on this progress and work towards a future free from the threat of cholera in Zimbabwe.
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