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Workers turning down Dublin jobs due to lack of housing



Workers turning down Dublin jobs due to lack of housing

Almost two thirds of businesses in the capital have either lost employees or had prospective employees turn down a job offer because of a lack of affordable housing, new research has found.

The first quarter Business Outlook Survey from Dublin Chamber also found that nearly a third of firms have temporarily subsidised or provided accommodation for employees to allow them to take a job in Dublin.

“Housing has long been a simmering issue for businesses, now this has taken a turn into the realms of businesses subsidising housing to retain and attract talent in Dublin,” said Aebhric McGibney, director of public and international affairs.

“This should never be the case and will have adverse effects on Dublin being a competitive place to start and indeed grow a business.”

Increasing the supply of housing topped the list of respondents priorities for October’s Budget, followed by investment in infrastructure and improvements in public services.

Housing also came out as the top election issue among the 200 businesses surveyed.

Mr McGibney also said that despite the extensive and substantial government supports to promote the construction of affordable housing, the volume of construction is insufficient to meet demand.

“Government should revisit the effective ban on building in certain parts of the Greater Dublin Area, which are based on outdated population figures, and encourage local authorities to provide for more residential zoned land in towns that are well served by public transport options,” he said.

“In addition, transport planning for the region needs to be revised for the region to keep pace with housing and population growth, with a view to bringing forward public transport services and projects that have been placed on the long finger in existing plans.”

The survey also found that flexible and remote working remain the most effective measure when it comes to attracting and retaining staff, followed by competitive salaries and positive work culture.

While more than a third of firms said they are not satisfied with the frequency of public transport serving their workplace.

On finance, 65% said their company does not currently avail of the Employment Investment Incentive Scheme.

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